
Menu for Hope: Win My Prize (Codes UE04 andEU23)!

Menu for Hope is an extraordinary project and you can read all about it on Pim’s blog.

Baking_3 To support Menu for Hope, I’m offering a signed copy of Baking From My Home to Yours, which I’ll send to you or – and this would be such fun – if you live reasonably close to me in New York City, Connecticut or Paris, I’ll deliver it to you over coffee and cake! BAKING, which won a James Beard Award this year for Best Baking Book, has over 300 recipes for everything from breakfast sweets to celebration cakes.

It’s my most personal book ever – it’s really like a scrapbook of my 30 years in the kitchen (my kitchen and the kitchens of great chefs) – and it’s got all my favorite recipes in it.

If you win and we get the chance to get together, I’ll tell you all about how the book came together.

I’m offering this prize twice:

For my fellow Americans, the code for my prize is UE04, for my neighbors in Europe, the code for my prize is EU23

You can see the list of prizes from around the world at at Chez Pim; to see the prizes for America’s East Coast, go to Serious Eats (where Adam Kuban has been coordinating this huge effort); and for prizes for Europe, go to Foodbeam, where wonderful Fanny Zanotti is the coordinator .  Many, many thanks to everyone.

Raffle tickets cost $10 each and can be purchased through FirstGiving.  It’s fast and easy so please, please, please – buy lots of tickets.  The cause is great, the need is extreme and the prizes are wonderful.

I can’t wait to meet whoever wins my prize!  Check back at Chez Pim on Wednesday, January 9, 2008 to see if it’s you!

See you soon, I hope.  A tres bientot, j’espere.