These days, I always have a stopper at hand, but I’m just as likely to grab a spoon as I am the little gadget, so you can imagine my delight when tonight, just as we were finishing a really delicious dinner at Chez Josephine (on the rue du Cherche-Midi in Paris), I saw the waiter pop a spoon into the top of an opened bottle of Champagne before stashing it in the fridge.
My question was: “Does it really work?”
And his answer was: “It works for me; it works for my mother, who taught me the trick; and it worked for her mother, who taught it to her.”
Of course. And who’d argue with three generations of spooners?
PS. After I wrote this, Serious Eats picked it up and posted an interesting idea on what works, what doesn’t and why when it comes to keeping the bubbles in the bottle. Click here to read it.