
Baking Chez Moi Hits The New York Times Bestseller List and I Hit The Road


Watson-Kennedy Survival Kit 

 From the top left and going kind of clockwise: salt water taffy AND caramels; Mariage Frères Tea, so lovely, in muslin bags; a beautifully beribboned sack of mandarin oranges (you’d be surprised how welcome those were); travel candles AND matches (so thoughtful to include those); hand cream, both Pré de Provence AND Mistral; and wonderful Trubee lip balm.  All from Watson-Kennedy‘s stock of magical things.  (Warning: If you go to Watson-Kennedy – and I think you must – leave yourself plenty of time to marvel at the beautiful way everything is arranged and to discover the hidden treasures — every little nook and cranny of the store holds a surprise.)

Thank you Kim and Ted.  And thank you everyone who came out to meet me along the road.

I’m off again!  Tomorrow (November 14)  I’ll be at RJ Julia Booksellers in Madison, CT. And on Saturday, I’ll be at Yale University’s Barnes & Noble.  See the rest of my Baking Chez Moi book tour schedule here. Hope to see you!